Federal Programs Pic


This site provides access to the  federal programs that impact education in Alabama . From this launching point, educators, parents, and citizens can go learn more detailed information about  federal programs  These programs address the diverse needs of Alabama’s schools and student population. They include programs that were affected by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, like Title I and its many parts, such as Migrant Children and Children who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk.


Title II addresses teacher and principal training. Title III (Part A) covers English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement.   More information about Federal Programs in the state of Alabama can be found at the Alabama State Department of Education Federal Programs website. 


More information about Federal Programs in the state of Alabama can be found at the Alabama State Department of Education Federal Programs website.


LEA and school Parent and Family Engagement Plans are provided to the parents of children attending Title I Schools, via the Parent Student Handbook at the beginning of each school year. Parents are encouraged to give input to the Parent Plans when they are revised each year. 


Parent and Family Engagement Plans are also located at each Title I School and in the Title I Director’s  Office